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Blog tempat download game gratis dan full version
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
A heat wave will occur
] + Down, ] + Down
Adds three stars to your park rating
[ ] down,down [ right
All DNA set to 100%
] up, ] right [ down
All missions, exercises and Site B opened
], right x 4, ]
All research
down x 3, left, right, [, down , up
All tourists will die
Hold ] and press Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
Destroys all fences.
up, ], down, [, left, left
Dinosaurs will no longer get sick
Hold [ + ] and repeatedly tap Up
Dinosaurs will now appear to be the living dead
], ], ], [, Right
Even More Money
[ right right [ ] down
gives every dinosaur 55% dna completion in the fossil
hunting sites that you have unlocked. *NOTE* this makes EVERY one of the
dinos you can get 55%
Down, ], Up, [, Down
Makes visitors happy on the visitor summary.
], down, [, up, up, up
More fossils
[ ] down
Multiple safari cars.
], Right, Right, Right, ]
No penalties for visitor deaths
[,], Left, Down, Down, Down, Down
One of your safari cars will blow up
Hold [ + ] and repeatedly tap Up, Down, Up, Down
Rampages will no longer occur
[, Left, Up, Left, Up, Left, [
Stormy Weather
], ], [, ], down, up, down
The market will now be instantly restocked with fossils
[ + ] + Down
This will set all excavated dinosaur DNA to 0%.
[, ], [, Right, Down, ]
Upgrades all fences to high security at no cost.
[, left, left, [, [, right
You can now select your three digsites without the
required stars.
Left, Down, Right, Up, [ + ], [ + ]
You can now shoot from the safari cars by using the camera
] + [, Left, Down, Right, Right
Your dinosaurs will become diseased
Down, Up, Down, Left, ], ], ]
Your finances will be reduced to zero
[ + ], Down
Your park rating will increase by one star
Right, [, Up, [, [, Down
Unlimited Money, Unlock Challenge Series, Unlock Career Mode Content (upgrades, parts, vinyls, etc), Unlock All Reward Cards, Unlimited NOS, Save/Restore Position, Unlimited Bullet Time (speedbreaker), Drift King (drifts never stop), Ghost Car, Invisible to Police, Super Jump, Super Handling/Acceleration, Super U-Turn, Racer Control System (send other cars flying into the air or make them go the wrong way), Kill Checkpoint Timer, Can't Get Busted, Instantly Evade Police. Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. WRITTEN FOR THE V1.3 PATCHED COLLECTOR'S EDITION. May not work with all versions. Read nfs.txt file with Notepad for important instructions on using the trainer. |
Code: | Result: |
canyonalltheway | All Tracks |
shinycarsarethebestcars | Chrome Cars |
5grand5grand | Castrol Cash |
friendlyheadlocksapplied | Unlimited Crew Charge |
nosforeverever | Unlimited NOS |
slowitdownwhenyouwant | Unlimited SpeedBreaker |
givemethechargersrt8 | 2006 Dodge Charger SRT8 |
givemethedb9 | 2005 Aston Martin DB9 |
chasingheadlocksappliedrashtalk | Mazda Dealership |
speed3foryou | Mazda Speed3 |
watchoutthebigtruckishere | Dump Truck in Quick Race Mode |
bigredfiredrive | Firetruck in Quick Race Mode |
trashtalking | Rhino in Quick Race Mode |
guesswhoisback | Cross Corvette Z06 in Quick Race Mode |
chasingmobile | Corvette Z06 Interceptor in Quick Race Mode |
cooperlogofreeforyou | Cooper Tire Logo |
pharrellvinylgogo | Pharrell Vinyl |
lotsoffreevinyls | NFS: Carbon Special Vinyls |
lotsoffreelogos | NFS: Carbon Vinyls |
syntecskin | Castrol Syntec Vinyl |
inthezoneskin | Autozone Vinyl |